Public contract: MENDELU - Izolace objektu LB09 v Lednici

Information on public contract

Subject items

Procurement documents

Explanation, completion, changes of procurement documents

Other messages for the contract

Public documents


Form title Type State Published in E-ZAK Published in VVZ
Oznámení o výsledku podlimitního zadávacího řízení CZ03 published 04.07.2019 04.07.2019
Oprava národního formuláře CZ04 published 20.04.2020 20.04.2020
Opravný interní formulář k veřejné zakázce E01 published 23.04.2019 ---

URL addresses

Contract performance

List of tenderers

Name CRN Country of headquarters/place of business/habitation Tender price
in CZK without VAT
Tender price
in CZK with VAT
F&K&B,a.s. 26236061 Czech Republic 5 887 542,00 7 123 925,82 No
Gaudio s.r.o. 63475243 Czech Republic 5 063 754,00 6 127 142,00 No
ISS stavtrade s.r.o. 29303192 Czech Republic 5 499 331,19 6 654 190,74 No
Moravská stavební unie - MSU s.r.o. 48529303 Czech Republic 5 943 916,00 7 192 138,36 No
STAVIKA s.r.o. 49432991 Czech Republic 6 044 519,00 7 313 867,99 No

Selected contractor

Date of contract conclusion: 01.07.2019

Name CRN Country of headquarters/place of business/habitation Contractual price
in CZK without VAT
Contractual price
in CZK with VAT
Gaudio s.r.o. 63475243 Czech Republic 5 063 754,00 6 127 142,00

Value finally paid

State: Contract performance in progress
Contract performance year Price in CZK without VAT Price in CZK with VAT
2019 5 382 002,00 6 512 222,42