Procurement documents

Procurement procedure: Rámcová dohoda na sekvenování nukleových kyselin na platformě Illumina - rozděleno na části / Framework Agreement to Nucleic Acid Sequencing on the Illumina Sequencing Platform - divided into parts

Document information

Title: Appendix No. 1b - Technical specifications for part 2 of the PC
Reference number in the filing service unassigned/unknown
Identifier in filing service unassigned/unknown
Description: anglická jazyková verze / English language version
Document published on Profile: 07.08.2020 02:15:10

Actual file version

File name: Dokument PDF Appendix No. 1b – Technical specifications for part two of the PC.pdf
Size: 457.97 KiB
Actual file version: 04.08.2020 20:06:26
MD5 hash: 9eaed9fd939d6017b5757c9a1e3ca5d7
SHA256 hash: 1584a6d92a049d73fd3203a7c0cd9b0ff5a4a79c3d9cf948c965ff6bb488d038

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 04.08.2020 20:06:26 Appendix No. 1b - Technical specifications for part 2 of the PC anglická jazyková verze / English language version procurement documents - Appendix No. 1b – Technical specifications for part two of the PC.pdf 457.97 KiB