Public contract: Část 1 Systém pro snímání teploty a vlhkosti půdy s dálkovým přenosem a cloudovou správou dat

Information about lot

Subject items

Public documents


Overview of public documents

Title Description File name Size
Contract, its changes and amendments
smlouva, část1, anonymizovaná verze Dokument MS Word C4ai_Kupni_smlouva_část_1_anon ym.docx 62.25 KB


URL addresses

Contract performance

List of tenderers

Name CRN Country of headquarters/place of business/habitation Tender price
in CZK without VAT
Tender price
in CZK with VAT
Environmental Measuring Systems s.r.o. 09291431 Czech Republic 781 500,00 945 615,00 No

Selected contractor

Date of contract conclusion: 14.04.2022

Name CRN Country of headquarters/place of business/habitation Contractual price
in CZK without VAT
Contractual price
in CZK with VAT
Environmental Measuring Systems s.r.o. 09291431 Czech Republic 781 500,00 945 615,00

Value finally paid

State: Contract performance in progress
No records to display.