Public contract: Část 4: pomocné přípravky pro ochranu rostlin a regulátory růstu

Information about lot

Subject items

Public documents


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URL addresses

Contract performance

List of tenderers

Name CRN Country of headquarters/place of business/habitation Tender price
in CZK without VAT
Tender price
in CZK with VAT
AGROKOP CZ, a.s. 29286719 Czech Republic 248 970,00 301 253,70 Yes [info]
NAVOS, a.s. 47674857 Czech Republic 251 580,00 304 411,80 No

Selected contractor

Date of contract conclusion: 28.04.2020

Result is establishment of a framework agreement.
Name CRN Country of headquarters/place of business/habitation Contractual price
in CZK without VAT
Contractual price
in CZK with VAT
NAVOS, a.s. 47674857 Czech Republic 450 000,00 544 500,00

Value finally paid

State: Contract performance terminated 31.12.2020
Contract performance year Price in CZK without VAT Price in CZK with VAT
2020 106 872,00 129 315,12
2020 9 612,00 11 630,52