Public contract: Rámcová dohoda na dodávky OOPP 2021 - 2022

Information on public contract

Subject items

Procurement documents

Explanation, completion, changes of procurement documents

Public documents


Overview of public documents

Title Description File name Size
Notice of choosing the contractor/best tender
Rozhodnutí a oznámení o výběru dodavatele Dokument PDF C1_Rozhodnuti_a_oznameni_o_vyb eru_dodavatele.pdf 645.25 KB
Contract, its changes and amendments
Anonymizovaná rámcová dohoda s vybraným dodavatelem Dokument PDF C5_Anonymizovana_Ramcova_dohod a_HP.pdf 703.43 KB


URL addresses

URL title URL address
URL of the public contract in E-ZAK

Contract performance

List of tenderers

Name CRN Country of headquarters/place of business/habitation Tender price
in CZK without VAT
Tender price
in CZK with VAT
HOLOUBEK PROTECT a. s. 64361314 Czech Republic 1 500 000,00 1 815 000,00 No

Selected contractor

Date of contract conclusion: 22.04.2021

Result is establishment of a framework agreement.
Name CRN Country of headquarters/place of business/habitation Contractual price
in CZK without VAT
Contractual price
in CZK with VAT
HOLOUBEK PROTECT a. s. 64361314 Czech Republic 1 500 000,00 1 815 000,00

Value finally paid

State: Contract performance in progress
Contract performance year Price in CZK without VAT Price in CZK with VAT
2021 444 438,20 533 490,42
2022 244 377,18 295 461,19